Why is oral iron important for your child?

Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin in red blood cells and it carries oxygen from the lungs to every part of the body.

The most common nutritional disorder is iron deficiency anemia [IDA], and accounts for nearly half of all anemia cases. This occurs when there isn’t enough iron in the body for it to carry out the important roles it’s needed for.

Treatment with supplements usually makes this type of anemia better.

Anemia Symptoms

Babies and small children who have anemia may affect cognitive and physical development which may show as:


Short attention span

Slow growth rate

Bruising easily (ref. 4)

Paleness (ref.1)

Lethargy, tiredness (ref 1,2,3)

Prone to infections (ref. 8)

Poor feeding

Feeling cold (ref. 6)

Moodiness (ref 2,5)

Headaches (ref. 2,9)

Desire to eat ice or non-food items (ref. 1, 5,11)

Dizziness, breathlessness or lightheadedness (ref. 7)

Delayed skill development for walking and talking among others

*Iron deficiency is a public health problem in Canadian infants and children – Dr. Hartfield Pediatric Child Health.  2010 Jul-Aug; 15(6): 347–350. 10.1093/pch/15.6.347 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2921732/

Anemia Symptoms

Babies and small children who have anemia may affect cognitive and physical development which may show as:


Short attention span

Slow growth rate

Bruising easily (ref. 4)

Paleness (ref.1)

Lethargy, tiredness (ref 1,2,3)

Prone to infections (ref. 8)

Poor feeding

Feeling cold (ref. 6)

Moodiness (ref 2,5)

Headaches (ref. 2,9)

Desire to eat ice or non-food items (ref. 1, 5,11)

Dizziness, breathlessness or lightheadedness (ref. 7)

Delayed skill development for walking and talking among others

*Iron deficiency is a public health problem in Canadian infants and children – Dr. Hartfield Pediatric Child Health.  2010 Jul-Aug; 15(6): 347–350. 10.1093/pch/15.6.347 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2921732/

SaFe+ helps to prevent iron deficiency and its anemia

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What Causes Iron-Deficiency anemia?

One of the main causes is low dietary iron. This can occur in:

Infants given cow milk before 1 year of age

Children who drink too much cow's milk

Vegetarians because they aren’t getting heme iron from meat. Heme iron is absorbed better than non heme iron from plants*

Breastfed infants who don't get iron supplements

Infants fed formula with a low iron content

Premature or low birth weight infants

Anemia treatment

A diet rich in iron is something you will want to begin to create for your child moving forward. Foods such meat, poultry and fish are rich in heme iron and vegetarian foods such as lentils, tofu, soybeans, lima beans, chickpeas, nuts and grains such as quinoa and oatmeal are a few of the good sources of non-heme iron.

Oral iron supplements are also often recommended for children to help treat or prevent symptoms of low iron and improve their blood levels of:

  • Ferritin: a blood cell protein that contains iron and indicates how much iron your body stores.
  • Hemoglobin: a protein molecule in red blood cells

What is SaFe+?

There are several different types of iron supplements available. You may have heard of non heme iron before, that is sourced from plants and heme iron is sourced from animals. Safe+ is carbonyl iron which is different from heme iron, non heme iron or iron salts, all of which are common types of supplements. Carbonyl iron is a highly pure (98% – 100%) iron, prepared by chemical decomposition of purified iron pentacarbonyl. It’s fine spherical particle size and porosity with huge surface area result in very high bioavailability. It is approximately 70% more bioavailable than iron products containing Ferrous sulfate*

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Why SaFe+ for my child?

Well tolerated
Great tasting
No need for refrigeration
Sugar Free
Easy single dosing
Pharmacist Recommended
High iron content and absorption

How do I give my child SaFe+?

Recommended Dose

Infants (0 – 12 months) and children (1 – 18 years):
Give ONE ampule (2 mL), ONE – TWO times a day.
It is recommended they take it with food, a few hours before or after taking other medications or health products.

Place the dose directly into the mouth towards the back of the tongue to avoid staining of the teeth.

Known adverse reactions

Some people may experience constipation, diarrhea, and/or vomiting. Stop use if hypersensitivity occurs.

Q & A

Who should not take carbonyl iron?

People with hemochromatosis; hemosiderosis or hemolytic anemia. Carbonyl iron may be dangerous if you have any of the conditions listed above

What happens if my child overdoses?

Symptoms of a carbonyl iron overdose include decreased energy; nausea; vomiting; abdominal pain; tarry stools; a weak, rapid pulse; fever; coma; seizures; and death.

Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. Seek immediate medical attention.

Can Carbonyl iron decrease the absorption of other medicines?

Take with food, a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products.

Talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist before giving your child carbonyl iron if they take any other medications or natural health products.

Is this Halal?

Yes it is Halal certified.

What should I do if my child misses a dose?

Give the dose as soon as you remember and then continue the routine.

What foods or drinks should be avoided?

Dairy products can affect absorption negatively. It can be mixed with water or juice to enhance acceptance.

What should I do if my child experiences any adverse effects?

Stop providing it and speak to your doctor

Can cause black stool?

All iron products, including SaFe+ may cause darkening of stool. This is an effect that is not harmful.

How long should my child take it?

SaFe+ can be taken for a long period of time, however your doctor or pharmacist will determine the duration of treatment depending upon your childs condition

Why is the plastic ampule hard to twist off?

Iron can oxidize when exposed to sunlight, this is the reason heavy PVC plastic is used for these ampules.

Pull firmly to separate ampules.

Twist top in one direction. If you find it difficult you can use sanitized scissors, sanitize, dry and cut.

Helps improve the physical and mental health
of your children when they have iron deficiency

Made in Canada